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Records at the time of Covid 19, a virus that changed our lives

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Whether we work as a journalist or teacher, restaurateur or sociologist, Coronavirus has changed our lives. But how? With a series of twelve questions, such as those that would be asked during a chat, we asked friends, representatives of the scientific community, culture and politics, civil society and professions to share their considerations.

Our purpose is: to reflect together and leave track of this particular experience.

Our  thoughts go to those who live and suffer tragically these days and, together with the thanks for those who participated to this game-not game, we express our closeness to the recipients that we have unfortunately reached in their moment of pain and mourning.

Many feelings and sensations are shared in the various writings, others are more singular and individual and, all together, they make up the fresco of our thoughts, the perception of our daily life and expectations for the near future.

Thank you! 

Sveva Avveduto, President of the Association Donne e Scienza

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